"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it." It's easy to pass by the pearls in our path, mistaking them for stones impeding our way. I want to be aware of all the pearls placed in my day, seeing beyond the layer of grit to the beauty within. I'm convinced we share in part of God's nature when we create beauty and find pleasure in what might otherwise be mundane.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
I've Been Published!
After this much time had passed, though, I began to wonder if I should contact them to be sure I could get my original back. It was a complete surprise to me yesterday when I received an advance copy of the Winter 2013 edition of Somerset Studio Gallery. At first I couldn't figure out why it had come in the mail until I looked more closely at the cover sheet packaged with it. I was quite excited then, and quickly paged through until I found it! Wow! It had my name and everything!! The magazine will be on the stands beginning December 1.
I have received so many encouraging comments from family, friends and coworkers as I've shared this news. Everyone has been so kind, and many have suggested that I consider other venues for sharing my work. Thank you, everyone for such great support! And thanks to Stampington for including my work!
Till next time,
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Breath of Spring
So, next my thoughts turn to art projects I could do. These don't take up a lot of room, and I don't spend much on supplies. Now if I can just think of something...

I ended up with a background with a lot of pink and green, and a little blue as an accent color. I didn't achieve chartreuse, but I loved the way it looked. Perfect for spring! The board sat tucked away until I came across it last week.
I decided I wanted something three dimensional, using a bouquet of flowers. I went to the craft store and bought three small sprigs. After I brought them home, I cut them apart and arranged them in a single bunch. I wrapped strips of dictionary pages around the stem ends to create a neat bundle. I had a piece of green polka-dot ribbon I'd saved from a gift, and there was just barely enough to tie a bow.

Finally, I used some heavy-duty adhesive to glue my bouquet down, and left everything to dry. I took the completed project to work to enjoy on my desk. Every day when I walk in, I enjoy seeing it there to greet me!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
For the Love of Books
If you'd like to see these for yourself, click here, sit back and enjoy!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Morning Sunlight
I heard about a couple of new iphone apps for photos recently and decided to try them out. I took a boring photo of a large crock in the living room. Very unremarkable! I started by adding a filter with Filter Mania and saved the change. Then I opened the photo in 100 Cameras and added another effect. It was really fun and easy! The 100 Cameras app I got is the free version, but I may have to upgrade to the full version to have access to everything.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
New Calendar
I downloaded and printed off the calendar pages, and went to town with inks and stamps to decorate them a little. I had the beaded dangle from a purse I'd used a couple of summers ago. After the purse was tired and worn out, I kept the dangle thinking I'd use it for something some day. I tried it out draped across the top, and liked the idea, but I was stumped for a while trying to figure out how to attach it at the top. I dug through a box of odds & ends and came across some old cubic zirconia earrings that I no longer wear. I used a Japanese screw punch (a book binding tool) with the smallest size drill to make holes, and poked the earrings through, catching links in the chain. I put a plastic earring back behind the board, and cut off the excess earring post with some strong snips. Then I put in a drop of strong adhesive and let it sit to harden for several hours. It did the trick!
Since the hard work of creating the calendar pages was already done for me, this project didn't take too much time to complete. I love quick projects like this! It didn't cost much to do, and I get a little happy thrill of satisfaction each time I look at it. It's a small way to add beauty to my day.
Monday, January 16, 2012
After enjoying a short drive, I wanted to get some photos before we had to leave again for the next leg of our journey. We positioned ourselves in front of the tree, and I was surprised to get a big, strong hug! He's still amazingly strong for someone who is 94! I love this photo and thought it would be perfect to use with this cute new frame I bought recently. It's made by Seven Gypsies (love their products), and is designed to stand alone without any support.
The three small sections were just right to spell "joy". I took my cue from the blue I'm wearing and the purple he's wearing. I inked up some chipboard letters, and coated them with a crackle glaze. I used gold pigment ink and embossing powder around the edges of the three blue squares and the frame itself. Then, just for fun, I tried a new product called Bronzed Fragments on the photo. I put down some liquid glue and pressed the fragments on top. I'm going to take this to work and enjoy having it on my desk.
Photographs are so great for reliving memories!