Wednesday, February 15, 2012

For the Love of Books

Part of my daily routine, and probably yours as well, is checking email. I subscribe to email updates from various blogs as well as from a couple of internet groups. Recently, in one of the daily digests, I saw a post about mysterious paper sculptures. I followed the link and was delighted to read about a series of paper sculptures that had been anonymously left in libraries. I would love to have been the person who stumbled across such a treasure, tucked away in a quiet spot. I invite you to take a look at these amazingly beautiful and intricate sculptures, obviously a labor of love from a dedicated bibliophile and artist. I'd like to think that even in this day of e-readers, there will always be a place for physical books. There's nothing quite like the adventure of stepping into a library to explore the riches available at no charge. I have spent many happy hours in libraries!

If you'd like to see these for yourself, click here, sit back and enjoy!


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